[New Post] Upwards & Onwards: The career breakthrough gift you deserve in 2024

Upwards & Onwards: The career breakthrough gift you deserve in 2024

One of the things I’m proudest of this year is the launch of my “coachering” — coaching & mentoring — program “Upwards & Onwards”.

Through this program, women and people from underrepresented groups have got

  • An internal promotion.
  • A job in another organisation more aligned with their career goals.
  • A more senior job in another organisation.
  • Applied for internal promotion and received detailed feedback on the skills and experiences needed to get the promotion next time around.
  • A substantial salary increase.
  • Both a promotion and salary increase during maternity leave.
  • Transitioned from a post-doctoral position at the university to a permanent role in a corporation.

What makes this program different from any other career program?

This program provides both coaching and mentoring because we need both to succeed in a career that is also integrated with our personal life.

I’m a certified career and life coach as well as an award-winning inclusion strategist and technologist with 20+ years of experience in digital transformation and people management.

My background gives me unique insights into technology, bias, inclusion, equity, management, career growth, and behavioural science to help women and people from underrepresented groups to become successful on their terms whilst embracing kindness, joy, and self-compassion.

In addition to my coaching certification, I bring to the table

  • 18+ years mentoring and coaching women and people from underrepresented groups such as ethnic minorities, disabled people, and immigrants.
  • 15+ years of experience as a manager (including hiring, onboarding, promoting, firing, and layoffs).
  • Experience spearheading numerous initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in tech that was recognized with the UK 2020 Women in Tech Changemakers award.
  • Featured in the Computer Weekly 2022 and 2023 longlist of the most influential women in UK tech.
  • DEI advisor for We and AI, a British NGO with the mission of making artificial intelligence work for everybody.
  • UK Committee Member for European Partnerships & Memberships for European Women on Boards, an NGO that supports the European Union’s Directive that introduces a binding objective of at least 40% of board members of each gender by 2026.
  • STEM degree (B.Sc., M.SC in Chemical Engineering, Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry)
  • A global perspective acquired by living in 6 countries on 3 continents and building professional and personal relationships with nationals of more than 50 countries.
  • Trilingual: English, French, and Spanish.

Change in pricing in 2024

I wanted to share with you that I’ve decided to raise the prices of my 3-month coaching and mentoring program “Upwards & Onwards” from £850.00 to £970.00 in January.

This price change is a reflection of my commitment to keeping the program affordable whilst making my business sustainable financially.

The new price will be effective from Tuesday 2nd of January, 2024.

That means that if you decide to give yourself — or somebody you love- the gift of a career breakthrough in 2024 today, you’ll only pay £850.00.

Imagine yourself a year from now.

  • You have a new role that aligns with your definition of success.
  • Your work and personal lives are integrated rather than fighting each other.
  • You feel you’re fairly compensated for the work you do.

What between you and that future self?

  • Self-doubt.
  • Self-criticism.
  • Limiting beliefs.
  • Fear of uncertainty.
  • Misinformation about how to advance your career.
  • Unawareness about how office politics work.

In this program, you will

  • Examine where are you in your career
  • Decide on your next bold professional move and ensure that it integrates into the lifestyle you want for yourself.
  • Identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to be.
  • Create a plan.
  • Implement the plan.

Are you ready to get the career you deserve? Click on this link to purchase the “Upwards & Onwards” program for £850.00.

Want more details? Keep reading!

Upwards & Onwards: Coaching and mentoring program

Are you tired of waiting for the Powers that Be in your organisation to recognise the amazing work you?

Do you have enough of seen less skilled people to get promoted ahead of you?

Do you feel overworked and underappreciated?

That’s my story too and this is how I changed it.

My career promotion story

The idealized version of my career path is that I started as a training scientist for a mid-size tech company and I’m now Global Director of Scientific Support and Customer Operations for a Fortune Future 50 tech corporation. Wow!

The real version is much less dreamy. To get where I am now, I changed departments twice. I was passed over for promotion several times. I wasted precious time — especially at the beginning of my career — working extremely hard and waiting for others to realise the great work I was doing.

Maybe, the most interesting fact is that despite being a person who spent many years in the university learning how to do things — I have a Chem. Eng. B.Sc, M.Sc., Ph.D. as well as a post-doc — I simply assumed I knew how to get promoted, even if nobody had taught me how to do it!

What could I have done better?

Life is not a movie or Instagram, so we should expect challenges along the way.

Still, the major problem was that I assumed I had to figure it all out by myself. Or at most, with the advice of one or two friends or peers who wanted to help me out but didn’t have more direct experience than I had.

Through the years, I discovered that whilst I confronted my share of bias in my career, I had also internalised a long list of limiting beliefs. Uncovering them and putting a plan to neutralise them took coaching, mentoring, sponsoring, and, above all, time and effort towards understanding how to showcase my strengths and value to the business.

In addition to progressing faster in my career, by knowing what to expect, I could have enjoyed more the ride and felt less frustrated.

How can you go faster and make it easier?

I know that for me it wasn’t enough to discover the career promotion myths or how to counter them. It has taken mentoring, coaching, learning about behavioural science, my experience as a manager for 15+ years, and very time-consuming trial-and-error experiments.

I wish my past self could have learned from my present self how to get the next promotion.

That’s why I’ve created the 3-month “Onwards & Upwards” Career Promotion Breakthrough Program so you claim your power back and thrive in your career in 2024.

What’ll you get from “Upwards and Onwards”?

In this program, you will

  • Get clarity on your career goals and your next career move.
  • Examine your limiting beliefs, understand how they impact your career progression, and how you can overcome them.
  • Learn to befriend uncertainty to embrace new challenges.
  • Understand how to build your professional and personal support ecosystem.
  • Gain awareness about your negotiation comfort zone and enrich it with complementary approaches to enhance your career prospects.
  • Experiment with powerful communication styles that are aligned with your strengths and values and resonate with your interlocutors.
  • Reframe office politics as a tool to help you get things done, build relationships, and access opportunities.
  • Build the habit of lifting others as you climb.
  • Embrace self-coaching as a tool to build resilience.

Through our 1:1 work, you’ll gain interpersonal skills and learn tools that will strengthen your professional career.

What if you’re just starting a new role?

Getting promoted is a process. The earlier you start putting in place a strategy and acting on it, the higher the chances of success once you’re ready to get that promotion.

What’s the scientific evidence that this method works?

As somebody with an engineering, master, and Ph.D. degree, in addition to my years coaching individuals in my role as manager, it was important to get a certification that accredited me. Not only for the “title” but because I wanted to add further skills to my toolkit and get supervision.

Also because of my academic background, I’m keen on scientific evidence that proves the methods I use.

That’s the reason I was delighted to learn recently that the methodology I was certified on has been backed up by two peer-reviewed articles published in 2022 and 2023

“Effect of a Novel Online Group-Coaching Program to Reduce Burnout in Female Resident Physicians A Randomized Clinical Trial” JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(5):e2210752.

Findings: In this pilot randomized clinical trial of 101 female resident physicians, participants who were randomly assigned to a 6-month group coaching program and a follow-up survey had a statistically significant reduction in emotional exhaustion and self-doubt, and an increase in self-compassion.

“Online Well-Being Group Coaching Program for Women Physician Trainees A Randomized Clinical Trial” JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(10):e2335541.

Findings: In this randomized clinical trial of 1,017 women trainee physicians, participants randomly assigned to a 4-month group-coaching program had a statistically significant reduction in all scales of burnout, moral injury, and impostor syndrome, as well as improved self-compassion and flourishing, compared with the control group.


“I am happy that I’ve met Patricia in time. I am going through a career change period, which has become less frightening and more strategic.
She helped me see the patterns of how my mind is holding me back, and by the end of the coaching program, I noticed a shift in my self-confidence and resilience. In our sessions, we uncovered the root causes of my inaction, and solutions emerged naturally from her insightful questions.
She also shared her wisdom and vision when I needed it.
She is passionate about coaching and empowering women and has all the necessary expertise to help. I enjoyed every session. Thank you, Patricia!”
Alena Sheveleva, Research Fellow
“Patricia has excellent knowledge and expertise on mentoring / coaching, in particular leadership for women. I greatly benefited from working with Patricia and found the experience & learnings extremely valuable for my own personal development and overall career growth.”
Aisling Mulhall, Events Senior Manager, Software company
“Patricia knows how to ask the right questions to let you come to the right conclusion and decide on next step in the journey. Patricia dared me to step out of my comfort zone”
Jolanda Bussner, Project Manager, Software company
I had the opportunity to work with Patricia through a coaching scheme at work. I personally got a lot out of the joint coaching sessions. Patricia has the skill to come across as supportive so you feel safe but she also will challenge you about why you think that way or what made you approach it from that angle, not this. There’s no judgment from her as she questions you, you can tell she’s just trying to understand everything. I hope to have the opportunity to work with her in the future.
R.B., Senior product designer
Patricia is an extremely knowledgeable and caring coach. In my short session with Patricia, she helped me to envision a future I want for myself and create a plan for that by myself. For a senior university student, Patricia was an insightful companion who supported me in navigating my career choices and living a happy life.
T.T., 4th year Economics Honours student at the University of British Columbia
Patricia was able to look at my experience, and then where I was right now. It literally felt like she was weaving together different strands to then hone in exactly on career blocks and give me some ideas to move past them.
Her style was to ask questions rather than give me a simple a to-do list, I also liked the way I felt I could trust her professional experience. She knew what I was talking about from inside my chosen sector.
Ruth Westnidge, Software Engineer
Patricia’s empathetic approach enabled me to work through my difficulties and find new ways of approaching my work projects.
The dedication and commitment she brought to our sessions gave me the confidence and encouragement to identify what was holding me back and to find possible solutions. Her insights always kept me focused on putting into action steps that would achieve results.
I gained enormously from my sessions with Patricia. Her experienced questioning guided me through a difficult period of transition from a career in the television industry to a new phase in my working life.
Bren Simson. TV director, author, local historian and guide

For more testimonials, go here.

Coaching and mentoring package

The price is £850.00 until January 2nd, 2024. Then, it’ll increase to £970.00.

Are you ready to get the career you deserve? Click on this link to purchase.

Purchase “Upwards & Onwards”

Questions? Contact me at patricia@patriciagestoso.com.

Inclusion is a practice, not a certificate.


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Patricia Gestoso

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